My Recent Posts

Dec 25, 2023
CVE-2023-51773 BACnet Protocol Stack Segmentation fault leading to denial of service
Dec 20, 2021
Introduction to Fuzz Testing (Fuzzing)
Nov 05, 2021
Pentesting content management and reporting tool
Jul 14, 2020
Fuzzing BACnet and MODBUS protocols with Fuzzowski
Aug 20, 2019
CVE-2019-12480 BACnet Protocol Stack Segmentation fault leading to denial of service
Dec 15, 2018
DefectDojo API usage example
Jul 29, 2018
Web API security
Jun 23, 2018
Defining attack vectors
Mar 17, 2018
VHL laboratory machines notes
Dec 09, 2017
Device fingerprint or machine fingerprint or browser fingerprint
more posts archives by years

Apps & Projects

PeTeReport is an open-source application vulnerability reporting tool.
A Python based backdoor that uses Steganography and a Cloud Image Service as a command and control server.
CCToolkit helps you to parse, export and generate a quick workunit checklist using the Common Criteria XML provided in the CC Web Portal
Python HTML Javascript CSS
MESC is an open source tool for security testing and auditing systems. Performing simple checks and tests into the localhost or remote host through ssh.
Scripts to inject demo data and network traffic into an existing Alienvault/OSSIM installation.
SIP and RTP decoders for Dshell.
The main objective of this project is the development and integration of a component that integrate an algorithm for efficiently managing a Cloud infrastructure based on open source (OpenNebula).
CGI Perl that displays system (unix) information using a web browser.
HTTP and TCP Reverse Shell.
more projects on github