The finding module facilitate the management of findings in the reports. A finding is defined by:
- Title
- Status
- Severity
- CVSS Score
- Description
- Location
- Impact
- Recommendation
- References
- Appendix
- Attack path
List of findings
Create new findings
Add Finding from Templates
Can be added findings to a report from the template list previously created.
Add custom fields
Can be added custom fields to the findings:
Import Findings from DefectDojo
We can import the findings from DefectDojo, first of all we need to edit the configuration file in order to add the API endpoint and the API key of our DefectDojo deployment.
Edit configuration in app/config/
'DefectDojoURL': '',
'apiKey': 'Token Key' # Format Token Key
Import Findings from CSV
Can be imported from a CSV findings following the next format:
// Comma-separated values (CSV) file format
"ID","Status","Title","Severity","CVSS Base Score","CVSS Score","CWE","Description","Location","Impact","Recommendation","References","Appendix","Appendix Description"
"2834q345-b24e-4ghf-r86d-ftue38af5480","Open","Finding 1","Low","3.7 (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)","3.7","73","Description","","Impact","Recommendation","References","Appendix","Appendix Description"
CWE List
When a finding is created must be selected a CWE in order to create a category of findings, for reference has been populated the next CWE list from Mitre: